最近 ChatGPT 非常火爆,它强大的自然语言处理能力几乎能为所有行业提供无限便利。在过去的两个多月中,我对这个顶流工具进行了一番探索。在此期间,ChatGPT 能够快速、准确地辅助我完成段落翻译、语法检查、文本生成等任务,推动着我的科研流程变得更加高效、流畅。「工欲善其事,必先利其器」,在此,我想分享一些借助 ChatGPT 进行科研工作的经验和心得,以期能为读到这篇文章的你提供一些有益的参考。
首先要强调的是,ChatGPT 在科研方面有着许多不足,包括无法理解图片、无法提供创新点、有可能对问题的解答会输出重复内容、内容可信度不受保证、缺乏对许多论文正文的精确理解、编造参考文献等。另一方面,ChatGPT 再厉害也只是「工具」,不要过度依赖它,不要本末倒置,不要让 AI 的思维凌驾于人的思维。但是,我们可以使用 ChatGPT 定制解决许多机械化的问题。
带着独立思考和目标去运用 ChatGPT,将研究变得更加令人信服、语言地道,简化投稿流程中的繁文缛节,保持清醒不上瘾,这是我对使用 ChatGPT 进行科研的看法。
可以给出一些相关背景的内容,让 ChatGPT 帮忙起一个地道、生动的标题。
I want you to act as a fancy title generator. I will type keywords via comma and you will reply with fancy titles. My first keywords are “api, test, automation”.
I will provide you with the abstract and keywords of a scientific paper. You will reply with the title of the paper based on the abstract and keywords. The generated title should be catchy, concise, clear and informative. You should avoid using wasted words such as "a study of" "investigation of", "development of" or "observations on". Make sure the title can grasp the audience immediately. My abstract is "XXX", and my keywords are "XXX".
这种适用于已经有了候选标题,想在某一个方面对标题进行强化的情形。我试着输入过一个陈述性的、干巴巴的标题(Spatiotemporal pattern analysis of ......),然后ChatGPT返回了“From pixels to patterns: uncovering the spatiotemporal dynamics of ...” 的结果,这改写质量是很惊艳的。
Please rewrite the given candidate title with consideration:
- "What is the most surprising finding from this research, and how can it change the way we think about the topic"?
这项研究中最令人惊讶的发现是什么,它将如何改变我们思考该主题的方式? - "How can this research help solve a real-world problem, and what are the implications of the findings"?
这项研究将如何帮助解决现实世界的问题,它的发现有何意义? - "What are the most interesting or controversial aspects of this research, and how to highlight these in my title"?
这项研究中最有趣或最有争议的方面是什么,如何在标题中突出这些? - "What are the key takeaways from this research, and how can we turn these into a catchy and memorable title"?
这项研究的主要收获是什么,如何将这些变成一个吸引人且令人难忘的标题? - "What are the most important unanswered questions in my field, and how can my research contribute to answering these questions"?
I am writing a scientifc research article. Please generate 5 concise, clear, and catchy acronyms of the following model, which uses [GIS technologies] and aims to [reveal the spatiotemporal pattern among different regions].
提炼完善 Introduction 与 Conclusion
在写引言和结果时,可以尝试着将一些已有的分析结果和背景输入给 ChatGPT,然后引导它从一些关键的方法给予建议。这也适用于泛读别人的论文,快速提取要点。
在 Introduction 中,可以使用这些语句:
- What is the significance of the research topic on [......]? 【研究的重要性】
- What inspired the author to research this topic? 【研究受何启发】
- What is the current state of research on [......]?【现在的研究状态】
- What is the problem or gap in knowledge that this research aims to address?【论文解决的科学问题】
在 Conclusion 中,可以使用下面的语句:
- What are the main findings of this research? 【研究的主要发现】
- What are the implications of this research? 【研究的意义】
- What are the limitations of this research? 【研究的限制】
- What are the future research directions? 【未来的研究方向】
下面是很多介绍 ChatGPT 的帖子都会发出来的一段 prompt。这使得 ChatGPT 足以替代grammarly 了,非常通用、高效、强大。
I want you to act as an English translator, spelling corrector and improver. I will speak to you in any language and you will detect the language, translate it and answer in the corrected and improved version of my text, in English. I want you to replace my simplified A0-level words and sentences with more beautiful and elegant, upper level English words and sentences. Keep the meaning same, but make them more literary. I want you to only reply the correction, the improvements and nothing else, do not write explanations.
上述段落给出的是通用的语法优化器。如果自己已经意识到了段落存在的问题,可以提出更加具体的要求,让 ChatGPT 「对症下药」般得优化句子结构。
- reorder some of the arguments to improve the logical flow of the paragraph
- add transitional phrases to improve the coherence of the paragraph
- reword some of the sentences to improve the clarity of the arguments
- offer alternatives for repetitive words or phrases
- provide recommendations for improving the readability and flow of the text
- ......
编写 cover letter
经我实测,ChatGPT 在撰写 cover letter 方面非常强大。把所有相关的辅助信息都扔给它,它能写出非常规范、正式、优雅的 cover letter。
I would like to submit a research article to [Journal of ...]. Please write a cover letter to the Editor Board entitled [......]. [This submission is targeted to the special issue “...”.] [Note that it is the second time I submit this article, and the former submission is rejected, and I have revised my latest article as required.] [The keywords of my article is ......]
这种模板化的内容交给 ChatGPT 再合适不过了。
I would like to invite [Dr. ...] to be my reviewer when I submit my works to the Editor Board of [Journal of ...]. He is specialized in [...]. Please write the invitation reasons.
2025年1月6日 13:41
2024年12月15日 07:46
2024年10月19日 14:24
2024年10月19日 14:24
兄弟写的非常好 https://www.cscnn.com/
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2024年09月22日 18:04
2024年09月16日 10:57
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